Archive by Author

Call for Masculinities Syllabi

12 Oct



My name is Heidi Rademacher and I am a program director at Center for the Study of Men and Masculinities at Stony Brook University. We are in the process of developing the first MA program in masculinities studies.  As this will be a brand new program, we are reaching out to scholars around the world with backgrounds in teaching courses related to masculinities.  We are particularly interested in collecting syllabi from courses taught on masculinities in the social sciences and humanities.  We would love to hear from you and receive and suggestions you might impart to support us in this new venture.

Thank you.

Best Regards,


Heidi Rademacher

Center for the Study of Men and Masculinities

Stony Brook University

On Rape as a Symptom

5 Oct

This post is reblogged with permission from And The Pursuit of Feminism.

By now, you have heard about the Stanford rape case, the shortened sentencing, seen the rapist’s face, seen that men are valued over women in such a disgusting, blatant way.

So I’m not going to talk about Stanford rape case. I’m going to talk about rape as a symptom–not a cause–of oppression against women. Continue reading

Call for Papers – American Men’s Studies Association

20 Sep


The Call for Proposals for AMSA XXV is now open. As AMSA celebrates a quarter of a century milestone, it especially invites presentations exploring what has been accomplished in masculinities studies and what’s next for the critical and interdisciplinary study of men and masculinities. AMSA invites proposals from a range of disciplines and professional fields. Conference sessions may take the form of individual presentations, thematic panels, applied workshops, posters, performance pieces and artwork. Interdisciplinary teams of presenters or interdisciplinary panels are strongly encourages to send joint or linked proposals. The Conference Committee also invites proposals for pre-conference workshops of three hours. The deadline for submissions is October 14, 2016. Continue reading

Masculinity & Work-Family Policy

7 Sep

Photo Credit: Road Fun

By Erin K. Anderson.

A few weeks ago several news outlets, including the New York Times, reported on a recent preliminary study conducted by three economists on the costs and benefits of using a work-family policy available to employees (Equal But Inequitable: Who Benefits from Gender-Neutral Tenure Clock Stopping Policies?).  Heather Antecol, Kelly Bedard, and Jenna Stearns, claim that academic men are more likely to utilize “stop the clock” policies in order to gain an additional year in which to conduct, write, and publish research, and in turn increase their chances of receiving tenure.  Women who extend their tenure clock at these same schools, however, are more likely to suffer professionally and fail to receive tenure in their first academic jobs.

This study, and others that examine similar patterns of work-family policy use, might lead us to conclude that “gender neutral” policies are beneficial for men’s careers, but harmful for women’s.  Women who use family friendly policies might really be better able to juggle the demands of work and family, but men who use the policies are able to put additional effort into their workplace success and use the time to get ahead. This is probably due to the fact that the wives of these academic men are still the primary caregivers.  Much of the recent discussion about this research contends that gender neutral policies don’t even the playing field, rather they offer an advantage to men. Continue reading

Finding Male-Oriented Solutions To The Problem Of Campus Rape And Sexual Assault

2 Feb

Our very own Cliff Cleek, PhD student at Stony Brook University and Program Director at the Center for the Study of Men & Masculinities, recently spoke on Wisconsin Public Radio about how to engage men in fighting sexual assault on college campuses.

You can listen to the interview here.

Men in the Post-2015 Development Agenda

26 Nov

Nearly 15 years ago, in September of 2000, all of the United Nations (UN) member nations and 23 international organizations committed to a set of 8 goals, now known as the Millennium Development Goals, which were understood to be a blueprint for a better world.  Each goal included a number of targets and benchmarks for the measurement of success, but all were intended to be reached by 2015.  Since 2000 the goals have served as a powerful, perhaps even the most powerful, guiding force for policy-making as well as public and private funding for international aid and non-governmental organizations (NGOs).

The third goal, “to promote gender equality and empower women,” failed to take into account the role that men and boys can play in addressing inequality.  Indeed, the international development community has, until recently, largely overlooked the roles men can play as both sites and agents of change.  A lot has changed in the last 15 years. Continue reading

Learning From The Missteps Of Our Brothers

5 Nov

The following post was originally published on Men Advocating Real Change (MARC), an online community for men committed to achieving gender equality in the workplace. MARC is an initiative of Catalyst, the leading nonprofit organization expanding opportunities for women in business. Find out more and join the conversation at


By Cliff Leek.

The United Nations (UN) marked the launch of its new campaign for gender equality on Saturday, September 20th with a special event at the UN Headquarters in New York. This new HeForShe campaign, dubbed the “UN Women Solidarity Movement for Gender Equality,” specifically aims to engage men in feminist efforts for gender equality and is a part of a growing global movement to involve men in gender justice work. So far nearly 200,000 men from all over the world have pledged “to take action against all forms of violence and discrimination faced by women and girls” as a part of the HeForShe campaign.

In addition to hundreds of thousands of men committing to do this work through HeForShe, the past month has felt like a parade male celebrities and other powerful men taking public stances on feminist issues (Aziz Ansari,President Obama, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, and numerous others). As Slate writer Amanda Hess put it, “male allies are having a moment.”

In the midst of this “moment,” my social media feeds have been inundated by editorials and blog posts discussing every possible angle of men’s involvement in struggles for gender justice. Many writers have taken this moment to point to the various ways in which men can sometimes undermine our own good intentions and end up hindering the work we intend to support. Here are just a few:

Why I’m Not Really Here For Emma Watson’s Feminism Speech at the U.N. – Mia McKenzie

So You Want to be a Male Feminist? Maybe Don’t. – Kat Stoeffel

Male Allies Are Important, Except When They’re The Worst – Amanda Hess

#HeForShe, Domestic Violence, and Privileging Male Allies – Kenneth Kolb

If we are truly invested in changing the status quo by standing alongside women we need to take these concerns seriously.  We need not only to show up, but also to think critically about how we show up. A few writers in recent weeks have provided fuel for that critical thought:

So You Want to be a Male Feminist? Here Are 11 Simple Rules to Follow – Derrick Clifton

How to be a (Male) Feminist Ally – Elizabeth Pickett

After considering both the critiques of men’s involvement in feminism and the suggestions for how we can do/be better, I sat down to think about the lessons that I have learned in my efforts to support gender justice. What follows are the lessons that have been the most helpful in my own development as man involved in this work.

Do your homework.

What do I mean when I say “do your homework?” Well, I mean it quite literally.

As Elizabeth Pickett argued, “it’s your work, not the work of feminists, to educate yourself.” Too often we expect women to educate us on even the most basic feminist concepts when we could, just as easily, do our homework. We live in an era when trainings on-line and in-person are readily accessible for people who are inclined to educate themselves on issues of power and privilege. Seek out those trainings.

Learn on your own time. We should strive to make sure that our learning doesn’t come at the expense of the time and energy of women involved in other aspects of the work. Our education shouldn’t be a distraction from the movement.

See beyond self-interest.

Emma Watson, in her speech at the HeForShe launch event, argued that men should be involved in feminist work, at least in part, because gender norms are harmful to men too. In response, Mia McKenzie, of Black Girl Dangerous, wrote a scathing commentary arguing that “Telling men that they should care about gender inequality because of how much it hurts them, centralizes men and their well-being in a movement built by women for our survival in a world that degrades and dehumanizes us daily.” As she describes, not only does over-emphasizing men’s self-interest in feminist work displace women from a movement that is, at its core, about ensuring women’s well-being, but it also obscures the myriad ways in which men benefit from patriarchy.

Watson wasn’t wrong. Gender norms do have negative effects on men and feminist work to challenge those norms can go a long way in changing men’s lives for the better. That is one reason why men should strive to be feminists.

But, it shouldn’t be the sole reason. While it is important to recognize that feminism is good for men too, that doesn’t mean we should put men’s issues first as we join feminist work. Being in solidarity with feminist women does not mean we only show up when we stand to benefit from the conversation.

Don’t forget to look inward.

Finally, we have reached the toughest lesson of all.

Learning to examine and challenge patriarchy and gender inequality in the world around us is easy compared to seeing it and changing it in ourselves and in our own relationships.

Men who don’t turn their feminist analytical lens inward may miss the ways in which we can also be a part of the problem. Simply understanding feminism does not make us exempt from dominating conversations, taking charge when we shouldn’t, perpetrating microaggressions, or otherwise utilizing our privilege inappropriately.  Failing to examine and address these issues and behaviors in ourselves can not only make us hypocrites, but also position us as roadblocks or hindrances to the work we care deeply about.

Looking inward can be difficult.  Sometimes we don’t want to acknowledge, or simply don’t see the same things in ourselves that we so readily notice elsewhere. Because it can be so difficult, part of the process of looking inward can be setting up a system of mutual accountability with a friend or ally. It can help to develop a relationship with someone that you trust to be honest with you when they notice problematic behaviors.

Now, I don’t expect these lessons to be a panacea for men’s involvement in feminism. We will continue to struggle, we will continue to make mistakes, and we will continue to be less than perfect allies. But, perhaps by learning from the missteps of our brothers in this work we can learn to do/be better.

Cliff Leek is a founding editor of Masculinities101 and the Research Fellow / Community Manager for Men Advocating Real Change (MARC).

Childcare is Key to Workplace Equality

15 Oct

The benefit of paternity leave is more than a few weeks time off.

[This article first appeared at MARC – Men Advocating Real Change]

Image by Catalin Bogdan (Own work) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

On August 14th, National Public Radio’s popular news show, All Things Considered, dedicated a significant to a discussion of paternity leave. They argued that a growing number of fathers desire, or even expect, to be given time off of work to spend with a new child. The vast majority of working fathers already do take time off, but the amount of time that they take off, and at what cost, varies widely. Chief among the various forces determining the amount of paternity leave men utilize is the support, or lack thereof, from their employers. And, while at first glance paternity leave may appear to be a burden to employers, there are numerous benefits that are certainly worth discussing.

Continue reading

Deadline Extended! – International Conference on Masculinities

9 Oct


The deadline for submissions to the International Conference on Masculinities has been extended to November 20th!

Click here for the updated Call for Papers!

Masculinities 101 Week in Review: September 19, 2014

19 Sep

As always, we bring you your weekply roundup of all things men and masculinities-related here:

Let’s start with what you can find here on Masculinities 101 this week.

On Monday we featured a post, “A Fat Boy Trapped Inside a Thin Man’s Body” by Aaron Sternlicht, reblogged from our friends at Endangered Bodies, NYC, that highlights a number of complicated ways in which masculinity is embodied and how body image affects men.

On Wednesday we shared another portion of the wonderful series on Colorlines about Black men.  This installment takes on the adjustments that many Black men face after exiting prison.

But what else is happening in the world of men and masculinities?

Screen-shot-2014-09-08-at-9.14.49-AMOur friend and assistant professor of sociology at SUNY Brockport, Tristan Bridges, wrote a wonderful piece reviewing and expanding upon , a new book by Shannon Wooden.  His work, originally written for Feminist Reflections, has gained a lot of attention and has been reblogged on Inequality by (Interior) Design and Huffington Post.

Tomorrow night (Saturday, September 20th), UN Women is hosting the launch event for their new initiative aimed at bringing more men and boys into global work for gender justice, HeForShe.  The campaign, dubbed a “solidarity movement for gender equality,” emphasizes that gender equality is a human rights movement and argues that in the end gender equality will benefit everyone.  You can watch the launch event online at 5PM EST.

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