Only 1 week left to send in your Proposals for the 2015 International Conference on Masculinities

13 Nov


Proposals for Presentations are due on November 20th 2014. You can read the call for proposals here.

The Center for the Study of Men and Masculinities (CSMM) will host the International Conference on Masculinities: Engaging Men and Boys for Gender Equality, in New York City. The Conference will take place from March 5th to March 8th 2015, immediately preceding the meeting of the Commission of the Status of Women (CSW) at the United Nations.

This year marks the 20th anniversary of the Fourth World Conference on Women in Beijing, a touchstone in the generations-long struggle for gender equality. Those twenty years have also witnessed unprecedented efforts to engage men around gender equality. The International Conference on Masculinities will bring together hundreds of activists, practitioners, and academic researchers from around the world who are working to engage men and boys in fulfilling the Platform for Action adopted by the CSW in Beijing.

Please read the full conference announcement here

And visit the conference website here.

Proposals for Presentations are due on November 20th 2014. You can read the call for proposals here.


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