Masculinities 101 Week in Review: September 19, 2014

19 Sep

As always, we bring you your weekply roundup of all things men and masculinities-related here:

Let’s start with what you can find here on Masculinities 101 this week.

On Monday we featured a post, “A Fat Boy Trapped Inside a Thin Man’s Body” by Aaron Sternlicht, reblogged from our friends at Endangered Bodies, NYC, that highlights a number of complicated ways in which masculinity is embodied and how body image affects men.

On Wednesday we shared another portion of the wonderful series on Colorlines about Black men.  This installment takes on the adjustments that many Black men face after exiting prison.

But what else is happening in the world of men and masculinities?

Screen-shot-2014-09-08-at-9.14.49-AMOur friend and assistant professor of sociology at SUNY Brockport, Tristan Bridges, wrote a wonderful piece reviewing and expanding upon , a new book by Shannon Wooden.  His work, originally written for Feminist Reflections, has gained a lot of attention and has been reblogged on Inequality by (Interior) Design and Huffington Post.

Tomorrow night (Saturday, September 20th), UN Women is hosting the launch event for their new initiative aimed at bringing more men and boys into global work for gender justice, HeForShe.  The campaign, dubbed a “solidarity movement for gender equality,” emphasizes that gender equality is a human rights movement and argues that in the end gender equality will benefit everyone.  You can watch the launch event online at 5PM EST.

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