Interesting Reads:
From Masculinities 101
Clay Darcy completed his three part series about masculinities and a pub crawl. Check out part 1, part 2, and part 3! And look for another piece from Clay on the “man tan” in May!
Anna Sophie Bach wrote a piece about the cultural tales of henpecked husbands. She previously presented this work at the Center for the Study of Men and Masculinities.
Tal Peretz reflected on the issue of accountability for men’s groups by reflecting on recent presentations in NYC. Read his post and join the conversation about men’s participation in issues of gender inequality.
From the Web
On Sunday’s Meet the Press, two white men, David Brooks from the New York Times and NBC’s Chuck Todd, decided President Obama had a “manhood problem.” Read Salon’s reaction, which also includes Sunday’s clip.
This article from Social Science and Medicine bridges medical research and the social science tradition by reporting on men’s levels of stress, social influence, and threats to their masculinities. Based on observations from small group interactions, the findings suggest that social influence is an important component of men’s achievement of masculinity.
Mad Men is back in full swing for its final season on AMC. This show has provided a look into the world of working men, nuclear families, and changing racial and gender relations in the 1960s and 70s. Check out a recap of last week’s episode. Or better yet, set your DVR to catch the final season.
From the News
A New Hampshire state representative says women deserve less pay than men?! Check out this article from .
The Huffington Post reports that a new study finds that men keep their underwear for 7 years on average. How did someone find the time and money for this study?
A study finds that gender conformity is more likely to lead to “cancer-causing behavior.” Read more about this interesting correlation in this Huffington Post article.
Upcoming at the Center for the Study of Men and Masculinities:
Friday, May 2, 4-6pm: Presentation by Brett Stout, Stony Brook Manhattan campus
Monday, May 5, 2-4pm: Presentation by Fabio Santiago, Stony Brook University main campus
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